Tuesday, December 17, 2013



On Sunday we celebrated Mary's birthday at a party over at Rana Azule's. You may remember that last year we were here in Panama on my birthday and Mary baked up a delicious chocolate volcano cake and surprised me 3ith it over at Rana's.  Today it was Mary's turn.

I would have whipped up a cake for her but I knew that the local ladies already had that covered. what I didn't know was how adorable it would be!  See, Mary is a quilter, so this was the PERFECT cake for her.

There must have been 100 people at the little cafe on the water that is only open on Fridays and Sundays. while Rana Azule is a gathering place for the local folks around both Dolphin and Dark Land Bays,(the pair of side by side bays here joined by a narrow cut in the mangroves), extra folks showed up on this day to honor Mary because she is such a special friend to all.

Both Norm and I have been impressed with the depth, and the width, of friendship among the folks who have chosen to come here to live. It appears they will do anything for each other and are constantly vigilant for those opportunities. They're even eager to help us visitors! It reminds me of small town USA. The difference is that here in the bay you don't have to have lived in one spot all your life to be deemed worthy of this sort of friendship; it comes with the territory of moving in.

I always try to take something back with me whenever I go off on an adventure - "a lesson learned". I think that being a better neighbor is my lesson this trip. I already know that I'm a very good friend - I would practically kill for my friends, and I like to think that I'm good about being there when they need me, but I need to work on becoming a better neighbor at home..  

I love it when I figure out the lesson so early - easily!

Nancy & Norm

                   Our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time.  ~Jean Paul Richter

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