Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jungle Ice Cream !

The fruit is called Beriba, although that may be spelled wrong.  Mary gave us this strange looking fruit from her property and told us how to make “jungle ice cream” with it by removing the pulp and separating the seeds. "Just squish it through your hands for that part,"Mary  instructed,"then add sweetened condensed milk and freeze it."

Since the refrigerator was almost due its weekly “tweaking” the freezer took two days to bring the concoction to soft frozen state. This morning we tried it. It reminded me of frozen banana yogurt. Norm wasn’t too fond of it, but then he doesn’t like soft serve yogurt at home either. Anyway, that leaves  more for me!  I’m having it on my granola for breakfast.


 Decadent living in the rainforest!
Norm & Nancy
If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home.” ~ James Michener

1 comment:

  1. OK, if it tastes like banana, what do you add for a daquari? sounds like a good one
